Ducted Evaporative Air Conditioning Installation Adelaide
Merrett Air Conditioning offers premium quality, energy efficient ducted evaporative air conditioning systems to consumers across Adelaide. With their exceptionally low power usage, combined with minimal initial outlay and running costs, ducted evaporative systems have proven to be a popular choice amongst consumers in Adelaide for many years.
Ducted evaporative air conditioning systems provide a completely natural, yet highly effective method of cooling. As the hot air from outside draws through the evaporative cooling system, it passes through a simple filtering process which is made up of specially designed water saturated pads which cools the air. Fans then blow the naturally cool air throughout the desired area of your home.
Merrett Air Conditioning offer our clients in Adelaide with a wide selection of quality ducted evaporative cooling systems. Our products are specially engineered and manufactured using the latest technology, producing a 100% natural, fresh and refreshing cool breeze to relieve you from Australia’s harsh and humid summer heat.
There are many benefits in choosing a ducted evaporative cooling system for your home in Adelaide. With the installation of a ducted evaporative system, you will no longer have to worry about leaving doors and windows open in your home whilst running your air conditioner. With new air continuously being introduced, you can enjoy a fresh and natural atmosphere in the warmer summer months. Not only are ducted evaporative air conditioning exceptionally energy efficient, they offer a fantastic home cooling solution which is considerably lower than the costs of reverse cycle heating and cooling systems.
At Merrett Air Conditioning in Adelaide, we are committed to our customers and strive to deliver exceptional results. We understand that each customer we work with has their own individual needs, which is why our professional team will work with you to find the perfect ducted evaporative system which suits your specific lifestyle and budget requirements. We provide an efficient and effective installation service of your new ducted evaporative system and give you the knowledge you need to make the most out of your purchase.
If you are looking for a budget friendly way to escape Australia’s harsh summer heat, a ducted evaporative system may be the perfect option for you and your home in Adelaide.
Call our friendly team today at Merrett Air Conditioning in Adelaide on 0439 355 250 to learn how we can help find you the perfect cooling system suited just to you!